Thursday, 29 December 2016

Bush Day 4 to 6

Bush Day 4

Unusual start to the day. Got up at 6am and started prepping lamb shank for lunch. By 7am, it was all in the oven and cooking and I was ready for my second cup of coffee! Way too much work for that early. 

Then did some admin like fill Landie with fuel, get ice etc. whilst at the camp, we heard that an elephant had been hit by a train the night before. Sad. 

The lamb shank lunch was yummy! Mom made pumpkin pie and rosti to go with it and by the end of lunch we were all popping full. 

Evening drive was quite uneventful but we did see another hyaena which was cool.

Bush Day 5

Woke up feeling tired but all good as I got up and made pancakes and fruit salad for breakfast. Everyone appeared to like it so it was a hit.

We then packed up and for a lunch and chill at the pool. I am not a pool addict but it was nice to have a dip and then read my book. After an awesome lunch, we headed on a short drive to see where the carcass of the elephant who had been hit by the train had been put. The amount of vultures was insane!! You could hardly see what was left of the elephant. 

The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing at home, followed by Mom and I going to try see the Pels Fishing Owl at the causeway. We got home in time for me to try get some lightening pictures as a storm approached us.

We had really nice rain that lasted all night. I am sure the dry river beds are flowing!

Day 6

Rain... yep that sums up the day...,

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