Saturday, 7 April 2012

Day 6: Robertson to Worcester

After a restless night of camping, Johan and I were rather quick to get up and get going – even starting the day without coffee. Although a really nice place with a great site, it was just icky with the number of people using the facilities over a busy long weekend. As a result of the speed with which we fled, we were out at 6:05 which meant my headlight had to be used which was kinda fun.
Unsurprisingly, we hit the headwind. It was unrelenting, smashing into us as we climbed out of the Robertson area. Johan gallantly took the lead and sheltered me from a lot of the wind but keeping in his wheel took a lot of concentration and effort which was tough considering how tired I am from 2 nights of not so great sleep. Physically I am feeling amazing, I am just tired from lack of sleep etc.Onwards we went but coffee was eventually needed so we pulled into the Rooiberg Winery where they kindly let us take shelter and make our coffee despite them being closed.
All amazing things come to an end and we were off again, into the wind. The kilometers crept by as we eeked our way ever closer to Worcester where we were going to take a break. About 10km out of Worcester we spotted a rather interesting little place that we had to stop at and where we had coffee and rusks.
After a yummy coffee which woke me up a bit, we were off into the wind. Then came the fun bit… As we hit Worcester the rain hit us. Rain + Wind is NOT fun but it was part of the adventure so I started enjoying it. Actually, as soon as the wind stopped, it became quite fun, although a tad cold.
We decided to seek shelter and decide if we should continue or not for the day. As we cruised through town we quickly realized that a nice Wimpy was just not going to happen, then Johan spotted an info sign which we followed. This led us to start seeing signs for B&Bs so the decision was made – we were stopping. The first place we tried was full but they referred us to another where we were recieved warmly despite looking like drowned rats. Our washing was done and dried for us whilst we got ourselves sorted so I am on track to finish in my home embroidered cycling shirt! Thank you Bridget for sorting our sopping wet clothing. (Oh and there are 2 cute ridgebacks here.) The Habit is an amazing place to stay with reasonable rates. Another place thats highly recommended. Their website is
Tomorrow we will continue on to Wellington.
Here is the route and pics from today:
So far in the last 6 days we have spend 42hrs, 38mins in the saddle and covered 472km!! Tomorrow we are going to clobber the 500km mark.