Sunday, 8 April 2012

GSS Day 7: Worcester to Wellington

So last night was cold. No, that doesn't sound right – it was insanely cold, freezing, blisteringly icey… All I had for warmth was my thin but warm grey Sani2C jersey and a wet raincoat but that was not enough so, when frozen add a layer and since I this was a dinner as part of a cycle tour, I added a nice bright orange cycling top to my ensemble. That as no where near warm enough but it kept my chest mildly warm and the stares I got at the Dros were priceless!

After a nice dinner we walked the 300m in the ice to The Habit where we were staying, and being after 8 it was definitely way past my bedtime and I was definitely in need to crash after 2 nights of bad sleep.

And crash I did!! This morning I woke up refreshed and ready to roll. Although something odd did happen to me… during the night I got hot so took my jersey off and had some juice from my bottle but I was so tired that I fell asleep whilst drinking and woke just before 5 holding my bottle. Anyway, so back to the routines of getting ready and before we knew it, we were eating our oats and setting off into the rain. We were not even a block away when Johan wanted to change his glasses and I noticed he had forgotten his helmet, so a quick turn, and we rode back where Johan quickly sorted retrieving his helmet (a jump of a fence, grabbed the keys where he left them, retrieved helmet and locked up again) and we were off again into the darkness.

There's something pretty cool about cruising into the darkness before the sun is awake with the only sound being the rain and the sound of your tires. With the blink of an eye and the rising of the sun, we were in Rawsonville. After this we needed the map as we sorted which road to take. Turns out a left instead of a right would've been better at 1 stage but the main road was not really that bad. The big contender after Rawsonville was the cold wind. At 1 stage as we were crossing the N1, we were hit by a lovely ice rain that stung the left side of our faces. My face actually went numb! For kilometres we fought the bitter cold and occasional killer headwind. Despite the pain and discomfort, it was a nice easy ride. At a little place called Botha’s Winery, we pulled over for coffee as there was an open little padstal where we could buy milk and chocolate for our little picnic coffee stop across the road.


After a nice warmer upper, we hit the road again and before we knew it we were at the R301 where we were to turn onto the Bainskloof Pass road.


Bains is not a particularly steep pass, its just long and insanely beautiful. Once again, allow the pictures to describe this pass..


It was WOW!! I cruised up taking pics, absorbing this last hill. Then came the downhill which was a fitting end to the tour. With the blink of an eye, we were in Wellington and Going Somewhere Slowly 2012 was done.

I have just spent 7 glorious days on my bicycle, seeing the most wow scenery! It was the perfect week. I have been to places I have never seen before, experienced places and roads to the perfect degree and generally had 7 great days on my bike. I have ridden from George to Wellington via Route 62 which is a total distance of 549km.

Thanks to Johan for being a great friend over these last few day and thanks for the patience. And thanks to Mom and Dad for looking after my little woof who I have missed terribly and for your support. Without it, this trip wouldn't have been possible.

This is not the end of my blogging for the tour.. I will be giving more details on the places we stayed and the cool devices I got to play with. I will also give a link as to where to find my millions of pictures and my videos but for now, here is today’s link:

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Day 6: Robertson to Worcester

After a restless night of camping, Johan and I were rather quick to get up and get going – even starting the day without coffee. Although a really nice place with a great site, it was just icky with the number of people using the facilities over a busy long weekend. As a result of the speed with which we fled, we were out at 6:05 which meant my headlight had to be used which was kinda fun.
Unsurprisingly, we hit the headwind. It was unrelenting, smashing into us as we climbed out of the Robertson area. Johan gallantly took the lead and sheltered me from a lot of the wind but keeping in his wheel took a lot of concentration and effort which was tough considering how tired I am from 2 nights of not so great sleep. Physically I am feeling amazing, I am just tired from lack of sleep etc.Onwards we went but coffee was eventually needed so we pulled into the Rooiberg Winery where they kindly let us take shelter and make our coffee despite them being closed.
All amazing things come to an end and we were off again, into the wind. The kilometers crept by as we eeked our way ever closer to Worcester where we were going to take a break. About 10km out of Worcester we spotted a rather interesting little place that we had to stop at and where we had coffee and rusks.
After a yummy coffee which woke me up a bit, we were off into the wind. Then came the fun bit… As we hit Worcester the rain hit us. Rain + Wind is NOT fun but it was part of the adventure so I started enjoying it. Actually, as soon as the wind stopped, it became quite fun, although a tad cold.
We decided to seek shelter and decide if we should continue or not for the day. As we cruised through town we quickly realized that a nice Wimpy was just not going to happen, then Johan spotted an info sign which we followed. This led us to start seeing signs for B&Bs so the decision was made – we were stopping. The first place we tried was full but they referred us to another where we were recieved warmly despite looking like drowned rats. Our washing was done and dried for us whilst we got ourselves sorted so I am on track to finish in my home embroidered cycling shirt! Thank you Bridget for sorting our sopping wet clothing. (Oh and there are 2 cute ridgebacks here.) The Habit is an amazing place to stay with reasonable rates. Another place thats highly recommended. Their website is
Tomorrow we will continue on to Wellington.
Here is the route and pics from today:
So far in the last 6 days we have spend 42hrs, 38mins in the saddle and covered 472km!! Tomorrow we are going to clobber the 500km mark.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Day 5: Barrydale to Robertson

After a night of mozzies and oversized insects disturbing us, 5am wakeup came and we were up and ready a mere 30 something mins later – yep, I had even repacked the motorhome (gone back to day 1’s version of packing). Problem with being ready so early was that we couldnt leave as it wasnt light so we sat and waited. By 6:15 we were tired of waiting so pretended it was light enough to see and hit the road.


The road out of town as chilled and rolling until we hit the Op De Tradouw Pass. Although not steep or particularly long, it was still a nice challenge.


The next bit flew by and before we knew it, it was time for a coffee break and we had done a good 35kms so we pulled over to a side road and enjoyed a stunning cuppa with sarmies after which we completed the last 25kms into Montagu. On arriving in Montagu we quickly found the people who we were to visit (Belinda from the dog park’s parents who really do have a stunning home). After an hour of resting and enjoying the warm hospitality, we hit the road again through Cogmanskloof to Ashton.

This is one pretty little pass!! We wound our way through this pass to the little tunnel where we found some stranded tourists who thought that the spare tire was the wrong one (it was the standard little spare). Johan quickly helped them whilst I took some pics…



Then came the not so fun. As we hit Ashton we were hammered by a headwind. Wind is bad enough without a full load but this was not funny! Think the worst part was that all the coffee shops were closed, however Johan popped into the grocery store and got chips and bananas and we continued. Johan is a roadie and galantly let me slipstream him which I did with a certain degree of mountainbiker lack of finesse. Those last 15 to 20kms were hard but entertaining but we eventually made it to Silverstrand Caravan Park where we were welcomed, given direction as to where to find space (and wine). Thereafter we put up tents, cleaned up,did laundry (I am seeing how many days I can wear 1 shirt so washing is critical), relaxed and then headed into town for a very early dinner.

93km done and dusted and now we are chilling to some insane wind which is apparently bringing rain.

I am starting to feel a tad tired but my body is holding up really well. Just sad that the tour is nearly over. 1.5 days left of cycling for the tour.

Anyway, I am gonna go hydrate and relax so here is the route and pics from today…

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Day 4: Ladismith to Barrydale

First some admin stuff… due to various reasons, Tessa has decided to pullout of the tour so from today it was just Johan and myself. This resulted in a bit of a rethink with regards route but I will go into that at the end.

Dinner last night was a rather posh meal of cheese and rolls served with a fine local wine. We had a small problem tho: the wine was corked. Ok, it wasnt a major issue cause I had an emergency corkscrew I had bought as a gimick but didnt think I would use. Just as well I had it! The surprising thing is that it works exceptionally well. It was so cool a toy that Johan suggested I find a leather strap and wear it around my neck – havent found a strap yet but Johan had a piece of bungee cord which I used.

After a fine dining experience we went in search of a pub for a glass or port. The 1st 2 pubs looked scary! The 3rd one was ok but they only had good traditional Old Brown Sherry. After a quick drink, the 3 of us headed back to camp and crashed.

This morning started quite somber with Johan and myself packing tents away, having coffee and breakfast and just going through the motions of getting ready for a +70km day. What I dont understand about touring is how for 4 days I have packed my bike and for 4 days it was packed differently. Ok, the sides have been the same but the top has been different: Day 1 I used crosswise lashing (ie putting tent etc perpendicular to my bike); Day 2 Johan packed it with my camelbak and sleeping back as well as tent lengthwise; Day 3 I started carrying the netbook so that messed a bit with the load; Day 4 was everything on top. Day 4 was the worst though – I really felt the load today.


My little campsite

Anyway.. This morning started with about 20km of downhill which was amazing!! Ok, 10kms were pure smile downhills and the rest slow downhill but it still made for a very fast 1st quarter!! Then came a biting hill. But just before that hill, Johan rings his bell and asks if I am awake – I was. Kinda. A km down the road though I doubted my answer because I reached down to get my bottle (am using the back bottle holder as Rex has commandeered the front one for his drinking habits) and as I moved to put it back, I looked down and found myself on the side of the road. With a quick turn of my pedal, I was back on the tar and looking for Johan - he was a bit back looking at a sign and as yet doesnt know of my funny moment. hehe. Ok so the hill…. It wasnt long or steep. It was just a pain. But we climbed the little Warmwaterberg and we were rewarded with a sweeping downhill that was interupted by food time.Just over the top, Johan declared it mid-morning snack time so we pulled over at a picnic spot and enjoyed the sight of 3 crows chasing and eagle whilst eating cheese rolls.


With the blink of an eye, I saw the mirage for the day – some form of sign about some place I had read about. Yep: Ronnie’s Sex Shop. Dont bother going there! Its a dive of note. The coke was pricey and there wasnt much else other than a menu with food and a pub filled with bras hanging from the ceiling. This should be in a guidebook as a: “you know you are exactly 25kms from Barrydale when you see some ramshackle place on the left”. Harsh I know but seriously, what is the hype and how does a place like that get legend status?

A few drags later (some of them were more irritants than drags) and we were a mere 3km from Barrydale. I knew we were close and the hills were over cause of this sign: (towns in this area advertise what the local speciality is on a board by the town – its the local cellar’s billboard)



The downhill into town was WOW!!!! We were in town earlier than expected: 11:45am so we found a coffee shop to enquire about accomodation and get a drink and food but here we found a problem. Town is fully booked out. But, its okay because the coffeeshop lady sent me across the road to her friend Sheila who was home and who she thought may be able to give us the cottage she has out back. Fortunately Sheila was home and said we could stay so tonight we are staying in a lovely cottage behind someone’s house. This is TRUE local hospitality at its best.

So what does one think about on the road as you pedal on and on? Hmm… well, very little I think. I thought about how Rex the stuffed animal is enjoying the trip and how the downhills must be scary (Rex is being boring this trip), how my bike is holding up well despite the load, a tiny bit about work, a lot about friends and family (miss you all!!). I also look at the scenery and admire the views, try work out where the road goes depending on how the mountains are, I try guess the rock types in the mountains as well which is a fun game. And then I play a guess what time we are going to be in town game whilst looking at the kms go bye and whilst I guess where we are according to the map. Ok, so I think I think a lot but if you space this all out into +4hrs, its pretty little.

Today my mind was on the tour a lot. With Tessa pulling out, this leaves me (and Johan) in a pickle. The plan was that we were going to ride to Riebeek Kasteel as 3, then Johan was going to meet up with his wife and then on Tuesday, Tessa and I would ride on to Darling. Neither Johan nor I were happy with the idea of my riding to Darling solo so Johan suggested asking Tessa to join us in Riebeek and then getting her to ride with me the last day. I had also been thinking of the solo dilemma and had come up with an idea for me to head south to Stellenbosch and Johan could if need be continue to Riebeek. At lunch we chatted and although I feel bad about deviating from the plan, I was not comfortable with the Riebeek to Darling idea. So… the plan is that we are both riding to Stellenbosch on Sunday. Actually works out cool because now I get to see more family whilst on holiday.

Enough blabbering from me! I am going out to take pics – here is the route and pics from today:

PS: so far we have ridden 262km

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Day 3: Calitzdorp to Ladismith

Whilst on the road this morning I had such wonderful thoughts as to what to say as the start today’s blog but my forgettery and an amazing day of scenery erased those thoughts.

Firstly: Spekboom Cottages are amazing!! James, Marie and Francois (ok, and Tiger and the rest of the doggies) your hospitality was out of this world!! The taste tour of port last night will be remembered long after our bikes are washed and we are back at work.

This morning once again we were spoilt to a very early breakfast of fruit, muesli, yoghurt and coffee (thanks Spekboom for sorting us out so early, we know that our time was highly unusual for you). At 6:30 we set off into the early morning light on our mission to Ladismith – today we were going to get there!! As we climbed out of town, I started to comprehend the longness of the morning – it was an uphill climb for a LONG time. As we pedalled, it was almost as if the sun was telling us we were too early and that it was supposed to beat us to the mountains because as we climbed, so did it, almost in a race to see who could get over Huisrivier Pass first. (Think we won this one.)


Huisrivier Pass is not a particularly steep or tough pass, its just insanely long!! It went on and on and on, ever upward draining your legs. Then came a sweeping downhill. WOOSH!! And then we climbed for an eternity. Ok, an hour and a bit but it felt long. I wish I were a poet because then I could perhaps describe this pass better, however, I did have my camera handy so bear with me as I paint a picture for you….


The WHOOSH downhill


Nearing the bottom






The above pic describes how I felt about this hill: over it!

After the pass, we meandered along rolling hills and cut through road works (we road in the road works section) ever closer to Ladismith.

After the mother of climbs, we were a bit peckish so decided to find a coffee stop and well, the guidebook had mentioned something about a place in Amalienstein so we headed into the teeny tiny… I cant even call it a town! …..township where we did find the little place called Tant Carolina. Um, ja, we shouldve guessed but it was closed. Next best thing: find milk and picnic so off we pedalled to Zoar which fortunately had a little shop where we got milk, crisps and biscuits which we enjoyed 2 or 3km out of town on the side of the road.

The bit into town was pretty with the rolling hills and was refreshing after the long start.

We arrived in Ladismith at 12 o’clock as planned which was really cool so the going was good and we all rode well. I decided to ride way out back today and occassionaly ride close to someone so that I could take pics and absorb the scenery. Really enjoyed the slow, short day.

Ladismith is quite a bit bigger than Calitzdorp and its sad we cant see Seweweekspoort but we had the slowest service on the planet (do not go to the coffeeshop by the Route 62 bottlestore (the bottlestore however is wow, they have local vino and a wealth of knowledge and is definitely worth the stop). After a bit of decision making we decided to camp and found Le Roux B&B which has camping facilities. Once again, our choice was good. After sorting our stuff, Johan and I took our unloaded bikes to find cheese, wine and a thing called “Stanley’s Light”. The light was dof and not worth the visit but the cat at the tourism office is so cute so go visit him.

All in all a good day. Tomorrow we are off to Barrydale.

The route and pics from today:

Oh, just loaded it all onto google earth. Pretty cool seeing the total route. Ok, serious matters time. Its wine o’clock….

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Day 2: George to Calitzdorp

Before I go into today, here is the route from yesterday with pics:
After a good night’s sleep at De Denne, we were allowed a nice relaxed start to the day so we got our packs sorted, had coffee then loaded the bikes (Johan sorted my township bike out in a much easier fashion – although my panniers were left to my method). At 8am we were served another WOW feast of a breakfast which resulted in a bit of a slow start to the day as we digested our meal. After saying our goodbyes to our last planned accomodation, and of course to Bruno the beautiful labrador, we set off on our mission to Ladismith. Before we hit the R62, we had our first and fortunately only technical stop for the day (Tessa’s back tire needed some air).
Our breakfast table at De Denne
Now what can I say about the next bit? Hmm… let me rather let a few photos describe it….

Fortunately this was broken up by Johan who in true GSS form decided to go check out an old church just off the main road. This was quite cool actually. The builder and designers in the early 1900s really put great thought and care into the design of their religious buildings to the extent that 100yrs later they are still standing and still show the style and character of those times. In fact, I would love to see if any modern building could last that long!
After a quick tour of the old church, we were on our way again on the long, long road! Fortunately just as we were nearly dead from boredom, the colour of the tar changed and with it, the scenery. Fortunately on the long road, I had had a totally nutty idea – cut the distance for the day. It was getting warm, our brains were fried and I felt that for the sake of the group, 2 shorter days were probably better than 1 killer day and a rest day. Fortunately Johan and Tessa agreed with me.
Whilst pedalling, one can see funny things – kinda like yesterday when we saw the coffee – and today we saw a sign saying “Smits Winkel”. Hmm… we must be lost. Turns out there is 1 stop between Oudtshoorn and Calitzdorp and this was it and I can highly recommend this stop. Yummy homemade gingerbeer and super sweet koeksusters were enjoyed whilst watching a few curious ostriches beg for stuff from the other side of the fence.
Sadly all good things come to an end and we had to cover the last 20kms to Calitzdorp. I had to hold back big time as my legs, lungs and heart were wanting to up the pace but the tour is not an individual thing and I had to hold a slightly more chilled pace (think this will benefit me tomorrow though) but we got to Calitzdorp safe and sound at lunchtime. As we entered Johan spotted a pub (it was beer o’clock after all) with an interesting name: Neverbetter. It was rather dodge!! For R20 we got beers and sat outside and watched the traffic (Calitzdorp is a slow town) go by, after which we set about looking for accomodation. The place mentioned in my guide book looked rather interesting so we decided to go to somewhere else we had heard about called Spekboom Cottages. We were met here by Marie who said they did have space despite being busy - phew!! After settling in, we headed into town to find a grocery store which we duly found and our chef for the evening (Johan) set about finding ingredients.
Whilst in the butchery / grocer, the owner told us he had seen us on the road and had passed us. We then learnt that today was the hottest day of the year here and that as a result of a lack of heat, the grape production is down 30%.
After a nice lunch at Rose Cottage, we headed back here where we have done washing and relaxed. (Just hoping the washing dries in time!)
Here is today's route and pictures:
Tomorrow we are up early to conquer the Huilsrivier Pass on our way to Ladismith.

Day 1: George to Oudtshoorn

Don't you find it funny how the night before a trip you cannot sleep? Despite all being tired from a busy day (me prepping for tour and others driving to George), none of us could sleep much. Anyway, despite looking bedraggled, we got up and loaded our bikes – some better than others – had coffee, breakfast and enjoyed the view. At 6:40 we set off from Step Aside on our journey. Before I continue: thank you so much to Martin and the Step Aside family (incl the dogs, geese and chickens) for your warm hospitality. Step Aside provided a home away from home with comfortable beds, awesome scenery and just generally great facilities. We wish Step Aside all the best for the future improvements and we can recommend it as a base for any trip of anyone wanting an affordable home away from home in George.


Anyway, we set off down to the base of the pass and were soon met by our George supporters – Celeste and Gale who followed us for the first bit up to the old toll gate. The support for this first bit of this great adventure was more needed and welcome than the 3 of us realized at first. After our farewells, we set off into the unknown, up the pass. At times we thought: “Hey, this isn't as bad as we thought.” Ja, um… that's until we got to a part that taught us a lesson in humility: Riding up this one part was TOUGH!!! Music in my ears, I pretended I didn't have the massive weight on the bike and that it was just a training ride, that was until I heard Tessa say something that sounded serious but I continued, thinking she was just commenting on scenery or something. But as soon as I turned the corner and saw Johan pushing (yep, he too heaved the bike upwards), I killed Queen and thought that Tess may have had something more serious did I decide to stop and wait (turns out she had chain issues). That was just DUMB!!!!!!!!! I couldn't get back on my bike. The gradient was too steep and the road rutted. When I did try ride I ended up using some interesting language as I scrambled to uncleat whilst falling slow motion into an ancient storm drain – ie a pile of rocks. Ok, so after my moment that no one saw, I gathered myself and decided to enjoy the scenery at hiking pace. Onwards and upwards we walked, up to a point where I was wondering what was in my bottle cause there was a sight of Johan standing on the road with a coffee pot on the wall making coffee. Ok, seriously 32Gi this packet is a dud. Then I comprehended…. it was reality. Johan had cycled up rather speedy and put the coffee (filter coffee nogal) on to boil. After a fantastic cuppa, the 3 of us set off on the last part of the Montagu Pass. To the sound of Vangelis playing Chariots of Fire, I made it to the top of Montagu. We had done it in just short of 3 hours. I am not going to lie: it was tough at stages but wow, the scenery made up for it.


With the blink of an eye, we were down the hill and in Herold where we stopped for a tea and scones (well, 2 of us had tea) at the Over the Mountain Tea Garden, which despite having Mr Grumpy as our waiter, is quite a nice stop with quite a nice historical value. In true touristy form, we got books on Montagu Pass, got directions for a better route to Oudtshoon and off we went.

Sadly we were plagued by our first major technical issue not long after our ride on this better route. Before I bore you with details of problems, let me tell you of this awesome route! Its just off the Willowmore / Uniondale road – about 100m from the Herold turnoff – and is such a stunning dirt road to Oudtshoorn. Ok, so a few kms in, I felt my back wheel washing out and knew my rear tire was pap. After unsuccessfully pumping it, we realized it was a flat. Now, on the other 2 bikes this isn't a problem because of how their pannier racks are fitted but on my bike, its a major issue. But, Johan is a genius and flipped the bike (and Rex) on its head and we (well he) sorted the tire. After a disgusting clearing of the tubeless sealant which was rather snotty and gross, I felt the thorn. Stupid little thing! Then came the entertainment… I whipped out my tube which I have had for a year and never needed only to discover it was the wrong one but not a problemo, Tessa has one! Um, cough, splutter, Linden Cycles you need to send your sales people to an optometrist cause despite having had her bike in front of you (and for the record, my tube was sold to me a year ago for Sani2C with the bike having been there at the same time too), you still managed to sell Tessa a 29er tube for a 26 inch wheel. Major fail!!! Think Cycle Lab will be gaining customers as a result of today. After the bike shop muttering, a plan was made and I now ride a 29er cause that's what my tube is.

The rest of the trip was fairly uneventful with some rather bitey little pimple hills and some corrugation. (Mom, I did think of a certain conversation at that point.) The funny highlight of this section was the ostriches – we found 2 that were rather dof and just as francolins do in the bush, these 2 ran in the road until we forced our way past them. Rather stupid chickens but at least they provided entertainment for us.


At 1pm Johan found a single tree by a farm where he declared it lunchtime. We had a chilled lunch of ham, cheese and tomato rolls under the doringbome. Those were good rolls. The road into Oudtshoorn was blegh and boring as we tried to find smooth road. Then came the need for liquid – by this time I had gone a good 4 or 5km with no liquid in my bottles so the thought of Coke was getting strong. Fortunately for us, Pedro’s Take Away was just up the road and ice cold coke was the order of the day, however by this time Tessa was tired and grumpy and I was not in the mood for stupid kiddies begging cause as we exited the shop a teeny tot asked for money and much to his surprise, instead of handing him my coke, a chocolate or money, I offered him something unexpected: I offered him a “snot klap” if he begged from us a bit more. Well, little whatever his name was stopped begging near us and let us enjoy our cold drinks. *Please note that for honesty and transparency I had to add this in as the others wanted one thing from them in the blog today. (I would easily have left this as a legend.)

Oudtshoorn this week is madness with the KKNK but we made our way through road closures (you gotta love a bicycle) and on to Ton’s bicycle shop where we were met with warmth and knowledge. I spent some but not lots of money on 3 tubes (the right ones this time) and asked where we could get simple foam camping mattresses, this had the store getting their driver and offering to drive the 3 of us to the co-op and letting us cycle from there. We objected but Johan and I accepted the offer of the drive to the co-op whilst Tessa was able to enjoy a milkshake at Oudtshoorn’s slowest coffee shop whilst guarding bicycles. After finding basic mats, we were delivered back to the store and our bikes and allowed to continue on our way – oh, the driver even took us to see where our next turnoff was. Such a fantastic experience at a bike shop. For less than R200 goods we were treated like royalty.

The next 12 or 13kms went by faster than expected and I think the stop did Tessa some good cause she was doing a lot better despite tired legs. Around a few corners,up a hill and before we knew it we were taking the turnoff to De Denne Guesthouse where we would be spending the night. As we made our way up the long driveway we wondered how far it was to the house. Then came Marko who asked if we were the 3 cyclists coming to stay and told us it was 400m. Dude, you were a lifesaver!!

After an ice cold beer or 2 we were served a feast! A salad and garlic roll starter, followed by the most amazing braaied ostrich steak with veggies and potato! I never thought ostrich could taste so nice. Just when we thought it was maagies vol, oogies toe time, Yolandi our waitress brought out ice cream and tipsy tart. Please can I roll over and die of happiness?


Tomorrow is a long day but we get a sleep in – 8am breakfast so we can take it easy – and I don't think its going to be as tough as today because despite 1 big pass, its a tar road day. The biggest battle is going to be over who loads my tourer. After all, I did carry cheese curls (which were not as squished as we had thought they would be), a mojito and whatever else I could strap on. But, Johan and Tessa say that riding behind me was entertainment as my load wobbled (odd cause I didnt feel it, all I know is that my cheap township motorhome was so cool!)

Link to route and our pictures will be posted a bit later as its taking ages to upload.